Full Forms of Banking and Finance

       Acronym        Full-Form                                          
 ADBAsian Development Bank 
 ADRAmerican Depository Receipt 
 AGMAnnual General Meeting 
 ASSOCHAMAssociated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India 
 ATMAutomated Teller Machine 
 BISBank of International Settlements 
 BOPBalance of Payments 
 CADCurrent Account Deficit 
 CAGComptroller and Auditor General of India 
 CCCash Credit 
 CDCertificate of Deposit 
 CIIConfederation of Indian Industry 
 CPCommercial Paper
 CPIConsumer Price Index 
 CRCapital Receipts 
 CRARCapital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio
 CRRCash Reserve Ratio 
 DDDemand Draft 
 DICGCDeposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation  
 ECBExternal Commercial Borrowing 
 ECBEuropean Central Bank 
 ECSElectronic Clearing Service 
 EEFCExchange Earners Foreign Currency 
 EFRExchange Fluctuation Reserve 
 EPFEmployees Provident Fund 
 FCAForeign Currency Assets  
 FCCBForeign Currency Convertible Bond 
FCNR(B)Foreign Currency Non-resident deposit(Banks) 
 FCNRAForeign Currency Non-resident Account  
 FDIForeign Direct Investment 
 FEMAForeign Exchange Management Act 
 FICCIFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry 
 FIIForeign Institutional Investor 
 FLAForeign Liabilities and Assets 
 FPIForeign Portfolio Investment 
 GDRGross Domestic Receipt
 GDP Gross Domestic Product 
 G-SECGovernment Securities 
 HDFCHousing Development Finance Corporation 
 HUDCOHousing &Urban Development Corporation 
 IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
 ICICIIndustrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India 
 IDBIIndustrial Development Bank of India  
 IIPIndex of Industrial Production  
 IMFInternational Monetary Fund 
 LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility 
 LBSLocational Banking Statistics 
 LERMSLiberalized Exchange Rate Management System 
 LICLife Insurance Corporation  
 MIGAMultilateral Investment Guarantee Agency 
 MSSMarket Stabilisation Scheme 
 MTMail Transfer 
 NABARDNational Bank for Agricultura and Rural Development 
 NBFCNon-Banking Financial Company  
 NEERNominal Effective Exchange Rate 
 NFA Net Foreign Exchange Assets 
 NGONon-Governmental Organisation 
 NHBNational Housing Bank 
 NPVNet Present Value 
 NR(E)RANon-Resident(External) Rupee Account 
 NRINon-Resident Indian 
 ODOver Draft 
 OMOOpen Market Operation 
 PPFPublic Provident Fund 
 PNBPunjab National Bank 
 PSEPublic Sector Enterprises 
 QRRQuick Review Report 
 RBIReserve Bank of India 
 REERReal Effective Exchange Rate 
 RFC Resident Foreign Currency 
 RIBResurgent India Bonds 
 SBI State Bank of India 
 SCBScheduled Commerical Bank 
 SDR Special Drawing Rights 
 SEBISecurities and Exchange Board of India  
 SHGs Self-Help Groups
SIDBISmall Industrial Development Bank of India 
 TBsTreasury Bills 
 TCTemporary Change  
 TTTelegraphic Transfer 
 UBBUniform Balance Book 
 UBDUrban Banks Department 
 UCBUrban Cooperative Banks  
 UCNUniform Code Number 
 UTIUnit Trust of India 
 VCVenture Capital 
 WPIWholesale Price Index 
 WSSWeekly Statistical Supplement 
 YTMYield to Maturity 
 ZOZonal Office