What is Aboulomania?

What is Aboulomania
What is Aboulomania?
  • Aboulomania is a mental disorder in which the patient displays pathological indecisiveness.
  • Aboulomania is typically associated with anxiety, stress, depression, and mental anguish, and can severely affect one's ability to function socially. 
  • Although many people suffer from indecision, it is rarely to the extent of obsession.
  • The part of the brain that is tied to making rational choices, the prefrontal cortex, can hold several pieces of information at any given time.
  • This may quickly overwhelm somebody when trying to make decisions, regardless of the importance of that decision. 
  • They come up with reasons that their decisions will turn out badly, causing them to over-analyze every situation critically in a classic case of paralysis by analysis. 
  • Lack of information, valuation difficulty, and outcome uncertainty can become an obsession.