What is Race?

What is Race?
What is Race?
Maori mask
In recent years, deoxyribonucleic acid studies across all human populations have shown that humans cannot be divided into biological subgroups; humans, in fact, area unit outstanding homogenized, genetically speaking. Of course, completely different teams in several locations share some physical characteristics, like eye color or os form.

Scientists' decision these composition variations. they are available concerning attributable to the native environmental diversifications, sexual selection (for instance, individuals in one culture could regard dark hair to be a lot of attractive), and random genetic drift.

However, these regional variations mirror solely a little portion of the human genetic package and can't be compartmentalized into any distinct genetic grouping. Individual variations area unit abundant larger than composition differences; one Maori girl is way a lot of completely different from another Maori girl than Maoris, as a group, area unit completely different from Scandinavians.

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