
Republic of Angola

Angola,Angola National flag ,Angola emblem,Angola mooto, Angola anthem,Angola capital,Angola largest city,Angola offical language,Angola national language,Angola ethnic group,Angola demonym,Angola Government,Angola president,Angola vice president,Angola lesilature,Angola formation,Angola area,Angola population,Angola gdp,Angola gini,Angola hdi,Angola currency,Angola time zone,Angola driving side,Angola calling code,Angola iso,Angola internet tld
Flag of Angola 

Emblem of Angola
Angola,Angola National flag ,Angola emblem,Angola mooto, Angola anthem,Angola capital,Angola largest city,Angola offical language,Angola national language,Angola ethnic group,Angola demonym,Angola Government,Angola president,Angola vice president,Angola lesilature,Angola formation,Angola area,Angola population,Angola gdp,Angola gini,Angola hdi,Angola currency,Angola time zone,Angola driving side,Angola calling code,Angola iso,Angola internet tld
Emblem of Angola

1. What is the Motto of Angola?

  • Motto: (English: "Virtue is stronger when united")
2. What is the National Anthem of Angola?
  • Anthem:  (English: "Onwards Angola")
3. Which is the capital and largest city of Angola?
  • Capital and largest city: Luanda (8°50′S 13°20′E)
4. Which is the official language of Angola?
  • Official languages: Portuguese
5. Which are the National languages of Angola?
  • Chokwe
  • Kikongo
  • Kimbundu
  • Umbundu
6. which are the Ethnic groups(2000) of Angola?
  • 37% Ovimbundu
  • 25% Ambundu
  • 13% Bakongo
  • 22% other African
  • 2% Mestiço
  • 1% Chinese
  • 1% European
7. Which is the Demonym(s) of Angola?
  • Demonym(s): Angolan
8. Which Type of Government is ruled in Angola?
  • Government: Unitary dominant-party presidential constitutional republic
9. Who is the current President of Angola?
  • President: João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço
10. Who is the current Vice President of Angola?
  • Vice President: Bornito de Sousa
11. Which type of the Legislature is present in Angola?
  • Legislature: National Assembly
  • Independence from Portugal, under Communist rule: 11 November 1975
  • United Nations full membership: 22 November 1976
  • Current constitution: 21 January 2010
12. What is the Total Area of Angola?
  • Total: 1,246,700 km2 (481,400 sq mi) (22nd)
13. What is the Total Area of Water in Angola?
  • Water (%): negligible
14. What is the Total Population of Angola?
  • 2014 census: 25,789,024
15. What is the Total Population of Angola as a Per Density Area?
  • Density: 20.69/km2 (53.6/sq mi) (199th)
16. What is the total GDP(PPP) of Angola?
  • Total:  $208.034 billion (64th)
17. How Much is the Per Capita Income of Angola
  • Per capita: $6,850(107th)
18. What is the GDP(nominal) of Angola?
  • Total:  $124.600 billion(61st)
  • Per capita: $4,101 (91st)
19. How Much is the Gini of Angola?
  • Gini (2009):  42.7
20. How Much is the HDI of Angola?
  • HDI (2018): 0.574,medium · 149th
21. What is the Currency of Angola?
  • Currency: Kwanza (AOA)
22. What is the Time Zone of Angola?
  • Time zone: UTC+1 (WAT)
23. What is the Driving Side in Angola?
  • Driving side: right
24. What is the Calling Code of Angola?
  • Calling code: +244
25. What is the ISO 3166 Code of Angola?
  • ISO 3166 code:  AO
26. What is the Internet TLD of Angola?
  • Internet TLD .ao

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