Blue Origin:All You need know about it

Now a Days So Many Aerospace Company Are Trying Hard Enough To Send Satellites Into Space. And also Rockets To Other Planets Like Mars, Saturn. So Many Government Space Agencies are Competing for Each Other To Send SpaceFlight Into Space. Some Of Them Are NASAISROJAXAROSCOMOS, and Others. But Competition Increased When Private Space Companies Entered Into This Race. Some Of The Private Space Agencies Or Companies are SpaceXBoeing, Blue Origin Etc. Today In This Article We are Going to Discuss Blue Origin Company. Continue With This Article To Know More About Blue Origin.

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Logo Of Blue Origin

In Brief:

  • History Of Blue Origin.
  • Facilities Of Blue Origin.
  • Launch Vehicles Of Blue Origin.
  • Rocket Engine Development By Blue Origin.
  • Funding To Blue Origin.
  • Collaborations With Blue Origin.

1.History Of Blue Origin:

  • Blue Origin Is A Aerospace Company.
  • It Was Founded By Jeff Bezos on September 8, 2000.
  • Jeff Bezos Has Been Interested In Space From an Early Ages.
  • In An Interview, Jeff Bezos Said That He Wanted "To Build Space Hotels, amusement Parks and Colonies For 2 Million Or 3 Million People Who Would Be In orbit".
  • In 1999, After Watching the rocketry biopic film October Sky, He Discussed with Science Fiction Author Neal Stephenson The Idea Of Forming a Space Company.
  • The Company Was Founded In 2000 in Kent Washington.
  • The Company Began Developing Both Rocket Propulsion Systems and Launch Vehicles.
  • It Existence Became Public  Only In 2003.
Company Employees:
  • In July 2013, the Company Employed Approximately 250 People.
  • By May 2015, They had grown To approximately 400 Employees.
  • By April 2017, the Company had More Than 1000 Employees.
  • In August 2018, the Company Had More Than 1500 Employees.
  • In April 2019, the Company Had More Than 2000 Employees.
  • By The End Of 2019, The Blue Origin is Plan To Have 2600 Employees.

  • It is a Vertical Take-Off and Landing Spaceship Called as New Shepard.
  • The First Developmental Test Flight Of the New Shepard Occured on 29 April 2015.
  • The Uncrewed Vehicle Flew to Its Planned Test Altitude Of More Than 93.5km  (307,000ft) and Achieved a Top Speed Of Mach 3 (3,675 Km/h; 2.284 mph).
  • In September 2014, The Company and United Launch Alliance Entered Into Partnership.
  • In April 2015, Blue Origin Announced that it had Completed The Acceptance Testing of The BE-3 Rocket Engine that Would Power the New Shepard Space Capsule to be Used For Blue Origin Suborbital Flights.
  • In July 2015, NanoRacks Announced Partnership With Blue Origin To Provide Standardized Payload Accommodates for Experiments Flying on Blue Origin's New Shepard Suborbital Vehicle.
  • In September 2015, Blue Origin Announced Details Of An Unnamed Planned Orbital Launch Vehicle.
  • In November 2015, Blue Origin Launched the New Shepard Rocket to Space For a Second to an Altitude of 100.53km(329,839 ft) and Vertically Landed the rocket Boster Less than 1.5 Meters(5 ft) from the Center of the Pad.
  • In March 2016, Bezos Discussed his Plans to Offer Space Tourism Services To Space.
  • In April 2016, The Same New Shepard Booster again Flew, Now for the Third Time, Reaching 103.4 km (339,178 ft) Before again returning and Landing Successfully.
  • In June 2018, Blue Origin Indicated that While It Continued to Plan to Fly Initial Internal Passengers.
New Glenn:
  • In September 2016, Blue Origin Announced Its Orbital Rocket.
  • It Would Be Named as New Glenn in honor of the first American Astronaut to Orbit the Earth.
  • At The Time OF The Announcement Of New Glenn, Bezos Revealed that the Next Project Beyond New Glenn Would Be New Armstrong.
  • In March 2017, Bezos Announced that Blue Origin had Acquired its First Paying Launch Customer For Orbital Satellite Launches.
  • Eutelsat is Expected to Start Launching Tv Satellites in 2022 On Blue Origin's New Glenn Orbital Vehicle Launch.
  • A Day After Announcing Eutelsat, Blue Origin Introduced OneWeb as Its Second Customer.
  • In September 2017, Blue Origin Closed a Deal For New Glenn With its Asian Customer, Mu Space.
  • In December 2017, Blue Origin Launched A Test Experiment On New Shepard With Technology that Could One Day Treat Chest Trauma In A Space Environment.
Blue Moon Lander:
  • In May 2019 Blue Origin announced the Blue Moon Lander.

2.Facilities For Blue Origin:

  • Blue Origin has Developed a facility near Seattle, Washington.
  • Test Rocket Engines and Operational Launch Facility in West Texas.
  • Blue Origin Manufactures Rocket Engines, Launch Vehicles and Space Capsules In Washington.
  • Its Largest Engine BE-4 Will be Produced at a New Manufacturing Facility in Alabama.
  • In 2017, Blue Origin Established a Manufacturing Facility For Launch Vehicles In Florida.

3.Launch Vehicles Of Blue Origin:

  • Blue Origin's First Flight Test Vehicle Called Charon After Pluto's Moon.
  • Charon Is Currently on Display at The Museum Of Flight in Seattle, Washington.
  • Goddard is A Next Test Vehicle, It First Flew In November 2006.
  • New Shepard Suborbital Flight System is Composed of Two Vehicles.
  • New Glenn Is A 7 Meter ( 23 ft) Diameter Two-Stage Orbital Launch Vehicle that is Expected To Launch Prior To 2020.
4.Rocket Engine Development By Blue Origin:
  • Blue Engine 1 or BE-1 Was First Rocket Engine Developed By Blue Origin and Used on the Company's Goddard Development Vehicle.
  • The Pressure fed Monopropellant Engine was Powered By Peroxide and Produced 9.8 KN  Of Thrust.
  • Blue Engine 2 Was A Pump Fed Bipropellant Engine Burning Kerosene and Peroxide Which Produced 140 KN Of Thrust.
  • Five BE-2 engines Powered PM-2 Development Vehicle On Two Test Flight in 2011.

5.Funding Into Blue Origin:


  • In 2013 Blue Origin Received US $25.7 Million From NASA For Completing Small Development Contracts.
  • By July 2014, Bezos had Invested Over US $ 500 Million his Money Into Blue Origin.
  • As Of 2016, Blue Origin was Spending US $ 1 Billion a Year Funded By Jeff Bezos Sales Of Amazon Stocks.
  • In 2017 and 2018 Bezos Made A Public Statement That he Intends To Fund Blue Origin With US $ 1 Billion Per Year From Sales Of his Equity In Amazon.

    • 6.Collaborations:

      • Blue Origin has Contracted to do Work For NASA on Several Development Efforts.
      • The Company was Awarded US $ 3.7 Million in Funding in 2009 By NASA via a Space Act Agreement Under the First Commercial Crew Development Program.
      • In April 2011, Blue Origin Received a Commitment From NASA for the US $22 Million of Funding Under the CCDev Phase 2 Program.
      • Blue Origin Co Operated With Boeing in Phase 1 Of the DARPA XS-1 Spaceplane Program.